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Our Popular Daily Guides

by SOM Magazine

March 2025 Daily Guides by Rev. Dr. Margaret Stortz

The Daily Guides have always been a beloved section of this publication. Each month, new spiritual guidance is imparted by members of the Centers for Spiritual Living communities. It’s lifelong insight you can’t find anywhere but Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Each day brings two quotes from various wisdom teachers, a personal guide from the author’s life and a powerful affirmation. This daily inspiration has impacted generations of readers.

In case you don’t subscribe, here’s an example for you to enjoy:

Does This Affirm Life?

Affirmation: I am the place where God stands forth in the world as me. In deep peace and crowning gratitude, I use my mind in ways that bring the greatest good into my world.

As March begins, it would probably be a good idea to see just how well we are using our mental prowess. In our system of spiritual oneness with God, we believe that the mind we use, the only mind there is, is the mind of God. The question is, how well are we using this mind? With how much wisdom and expertise are we utilizing the magnificent power at our disposal?

Since ideas of good and bad so often become arbitrary, I like to use a question that I can always stand on. I ask: Does this affirm life? Does how I think and what I do uplift the life and energy of the way I am living? These are worthy questions for any self-aware, spiritual being to ask. We are the guardians of our own thoughts; we are the ones who will ride a train of thought to its destination, or, if this destination is not worthy of us, we can redirect it.

In fact, as people who aim to live lives guided by Divine inspiration, we really have little choice but to pay attention so our thinking is the most informed and God-directed that we can achieve. The world always needs the greatest love and creativity that we have to give. With the mind of God always at our fingertips, how can we make any other choice but to affirm life?


God’s Mind is already in our mind, always operating through our consciousness.
— “Keys to Wisdom,” page 41

We all have the ability to transcend previous experiences and rise triumphant above them.
­ — “The Science of Mind,” page 147

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