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Our Popular Daily Guides

by SOM Magazine

February 2025 Daily Guides by Eugene Holden, RScP

The Daily Guides have always been a beloved section of this publication. Each month, new spiritual guidance is imparted by members of the Centers for Spiritual Living communities. It’s lifelong insight you can’t find anywhere but Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Each day brings two quotes from various wisdom teachers, a personal guide from the author’s life and a powerful affirmation. This daily inspiration has impacted generations of readers.

In case you don’t subscribe, here’s an example for you to enjoy:

Naturally Connected

Affirmation: I am connected with all of life. I cherish my connection with life. I am one with the All.

Truthfully speaking, I don’t know what is meant by this month’s theme, “Radical Interconnection.” From where I stand, everything is connected, naturally. That’s just the way it is.

There isn’t anything we are not connected to. The air we breathe oxygenates our blood, which nourishes our organs, which assists in keeping us healthy. This same breath has a symbiotic relationship with the plants and the trees, which are fed by the elements, some of which, in turn, feed us.

Yes, this is a simplification of our interconnectedness with life. And this is just the start. It is one thing to talk about radical interconnection. It is something totally different to be aware of just how connected everything in our world is to everything else. This month, we will take a close look at what it means to be connected to all of life and how our awareness of that interconnectedness puts us in a position to make drastic changes in how we treat each other and our planet.

It is my hope that through this month’s Daily Guides we become a little more aware of our interconnectedness with life, even the so-called invisible side of life, from which everything comes.


Everything in our world is connected to everything else.
— Gregg Braden, “The Divine Matrix”

Our highest satisfaction comes from a sense of conscious union with this invisible life.
— Ernest Holmes, “The Essential Ernest Holmes”

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