Hope, Potentialities and Powers
—by Ernest Holmes
All the Power there is, all the Presence there is and all the action and law and order there is, is right here. I am that Son of God.
Some will say, “What a claim!” I claim it. “Well you don’t act it.” I know it. We all get discouraged sometimes. We shall fail over and over again. Somehow or other we are sustained by something greater than we are, always with a feeling that says, “Dry those tears. Don’t be afraid. You can’t fail. You are that much nearer success. It is true you are living in a spiritual universe. God is all there is. You may love your neighbor as yourself.”
Although the world denies it, one man with God is not only a majority but a totality. We have to learn that confidence in ourselves because we believe in It, know that our method is correct and use it.
Then just as surely as the night follows the day, invisible hope, potentialities and powers descend in the mind. We, too, shall be not as the scribes but as one having authority.
God, grant that our desire shall be that way and our acts follow it until at long last, out of the fear and the doubt and the confusion and the uncertainty, something shall speak through us because we have permitted it to speak to us: This is the way; walk ye in it.
— Excerpted from the unpublished article “The Spiritual Universe” by Ernest Holmes, transcribed from a talk given at Asilomar on August 1, 1954. |