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by SOM Magazine

Celebrating 98 Years of Spiritual Support »

Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine inspires readers to create happier, richer and more satisfying lives by using practical spiritual principles. It comes in both print and digital formats. Our digital format is compatible with screen readers for the visually impaired. This magazine is published by Centers for Spiritual Living (learn more at CSL.org). If you feel called to financially support this magazine, thank you. Please click here.

NOTE: Effective March 1, 2025, we are increasing the print subscription rate by $1 per month and the digital edition annual rate by $5. The new prices are listed below. We are grateful for and blessed by your continued support to ensure the magazine reaches its 100th year in publication in 2027.

Print Subscriptions

PRINT (United States): Just $48.95 for 12 months, 6 double issues
To subscribe to the print edition, click here. You can add a full year of digital for just $4.95.

PRINT (Canada): $67.95 for 12 months, 6 double issues
To subscribe to the print edition, click here. You can add a full year of digital for just $4.95.

PRINT (International): $83.95 for 12 months, 6 double issues
To subscribe to the print edition, click here. You can add a full year of digital for just $4.95.

Digital Options

DIGITAL ONLY: Just $19.95 for 12 months anywhere in the world
Click here and select the option “Digital Only” at the bottom of the page.

FREE E-NEWSLETTER: Subscribe to our free e-newsletter for more inspiration twice a month.

Renewals & Gifts

RENEWALS: To renew your magazine subscription, click here.

GIFT SUBSCRIPTIONS: Give this magazine by using this link.

INCARERATED PERSONS MINISTRY: Have a profound impact on the life of an incarcerated person by giving a one-year subscription to the magazine. Make your donation here. Thank you for your generosity.