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  Metaphysical Perspectives– July 2011 Vol. 1  
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Ernest Holmes

Dr. Ernest HolmesAll life is bound together by One common Law of Love, and Love is the Self-Givingness of Spirit. It was the realization of this One Presence which illumined the saints and sages of the past. “I and the Father are One.” “The Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.” We must come to sense this marvelous Presence, for this is the secret of successful metaphysical work: God in all and through all.

All manifestation of Life is from an invisible to a visible plane, through a silent, effortless process of spiritual realization. We must unify in our own mentalities with pure Spirit. To each of us, individually, God or Spirit is the Supreme Personality of the Universe—the Supreme Personality of that which we, ourselves, are. It is only as the relationship of the individual to the Deity becomes enlarged that one has a consciousness of power.

From The Science of Mind by Ernest Holmes, Tarcher/Putnam publisher.

Maximum-Strength Metaphysics
Dr. Roger Teel

Dr. Roger TeelAre you are searching for tools that can help you to transform your own life and make a positive impact toward planetary transformation? Many have been inspired by Dr. Roger Teel’s wisdom shared in his feature “Maximum-Strength Metaphysics: The Truth That Can Set Us Free” in the July 2011 issue of Science of Mind.

Dr. Teel is the senior minister at Mile Hi Church of Religious Science, a life-transforming speaker, and a global spiritual leader. Dr. Teel holds a degree in psychology and religion, a Doctor of Divinity, and a Doctor of Religious Science degree.  

As a global leader, Dr. Teel has served as Chairman of the International Board of Trustees for United Centers for Spiritual Living and is co-founder of the Association for Global New Thought.  In 1999, 2001, and 2004, Dr. Teel assisted in facilitating the Synthesis Dialogues with acclaimed global leaders including His Holiness, the Dalai Lama. He has served on the boards of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, the Foundation for Affordable Housing, and the Community First Foundation.

Click here to be inspired by Dr. Teel’s talk on “Maximum-Strength Metaphysics.”

How about a Fun Summer Read?

Dwnward Dog, Upward Fog Book CoverLooking for an inspirational, entertaining novel to read this summer?  Downward Dog, Upward Fog, by Meryl Davids Landau, is sure to delight spiritually evolving women. Frustrated with her work, her relationships, and her life, Landau’s main character Lorna Crawford decides to take up meditation as a way to further her budding spiritual practice and, hopefully, find some inner peace. Told with humor and sensitivity, Lorna’s struggles are sure to resonate with anyone on the path of conscious awareness. Here is an excerpt from Downward Dog, Upward Fog by Meryl Davids Landau:

I’m sitting in my silk pajamas before bed, in the corner of my bedroom that I’ve set up for meditation. Pretty much all the Eastern spiritual teachings I've been reading extol the value of sitting serene like the Buddha. When, in the most recent book, I saw an illustration of him under the Bodhi Tree, I realized I had to go there. Not to the tree (although jetting off to India would be fun). To where it took him. It struck me that behind those closed eyes, the Buddha is joyfully cantering on a graceful horse along the beach at sunset, or serenely staring into a newborn baby’s eyes.

I light a stick of sandalwood incense. I close my eyes and rock my butt back and forth until I get comfortable. Then I flare my nostrils to concentrate on the smell. I suspect that to get into the present moment in any kind of real way, I have to engage all my senses. Otherwise I go right to my brain, the brain I learned to use long ago to shield me from my inner essence. But now the guard may be loosening its grip, and I’m desperate to feel the full range of desires I know are hiding underneath, too scared from years of having bricks thrown at me by my mother to come out to play. No, not desperate, I correct myself, because desperate implies that I’m running breathless with the enemy at my back, and all the books I’ve devoured emphasize that the key to meditation is accepting and allowing and waiting patiently for things to unfold in their own time.

I suddenly realize that I’ve lost my focus on the smell, what with all this mental yammering. Let me try sound. I listen into the silence until I hear the whoosh from the hall of the tabletop waterfall I recently purchased. It’s been running since I flipped the switch on my way into the bedroom. This is why I need to practice: so I can get to the place where I’m fully awake and aware. Otherwise, years from now, I’m going to be an old woman lying on some saggy mattress in an antiseptic-smelling nursing home, wondering why I never much listened to the sound of running water or sniffed the sweet scent of sandalwood.

Lorna! Keep your focus on the here and now! Why do all those authors make it seem so easy?

Suddenly, my timer dings, indicating my ten minutes are over. Damn. An unstoppable mental train. My cantering Buddha will have to wait for another day.

Want more from Meryl Davids Landau? Go to scienceofmind.com to read “Why Meditation Seems Hard—and How to Make It Easy,” by Meryl Davids Landau.

2011 Asilomar Experience: The Journey Home

Take The Journey Home with us this summer at the Asilomar Conference Center for a powerful two-week experience July 31 through August 13.

California Pacific CoastlineJoin us for one week or two weeks as we come together in community, celebration, and love—all set against the beautiful Northern California Pacific Coastline. Each week will be filled with morning and evening general sessions, daily workshops, tai chi, yoga, meditation, chapel sessions, sunset services, late night activities, New Thought music, prayer room, treatment room for work with a practitioner, bodywork room, labyrinth, vendor village, and bookstore. The conference will also have a full program for kids and teens, so you can bring the whole family!

Registration packages include access to all conference workshops as well as general sessions and spaces, three meals a day, and housing at the Asilomar Conference Center.

For more information or to register, please click here.

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