Embrace the Vision of Living Out Loud
By Rev. Karin Wilson
Within Centers for Spiritual Living, we use as many opportunities as possible to connect with Spirit/Source/God to inform our next best steps. One of those ways is by bringing together a group of ministers and practitioners each year to practice visioning for the overarching and monthly themes for the upcoming year.
This work begins in January, when we are all energized with a felt sense of a new year, and it stretches the collective mind beginning 12 months out to see what Spirit wants to express.
The questions are simple yet profound, revealing something new every time. What is Spirit's highest idea? What is to be released for this highest idea to be made manifest? What is to be embraced? What must I become? Is there anything else to be known?
If you create a visioning process on the same topic repeatedly, then what happens is a refinement, a deepening into the rich voice of Spirit itself and, with that, an enriched understanding of ourselves. …
Through the collective visioning process, our overarching theme for 2023 emerged: Living Out Loud. What is new is the idea of embodying this teaching with a playful attitude, in conscious recognition that we are always co-creating with the Spirit within.
“We can know about our principles,” says Rev. David Robinson, who co-chaired the committee with me. “We can timidly apply our principles. Or we can stand up and dance, play and live our principles out loud.”
Equally, this year is about addressing the aspects of our humanity that struggle with the shadow. Rather than hide that under a bushel, where it festers and later inflicts pain on ourselves and others, this year we are being called to acknowledge and heal our wounds so we can continue the good work of living in harmony with ourselves and others in this deeply complex and rich time, knowing that this world is blessed with the Infinite through its diversity.
—Read more about CSL’s 2023 theme in the January issue of Science of Mind magazine. |