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August 2020 Newsletter #1
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“When the whole world sees the right and does it,
then and not until then will the problem
of evil be solved for the entire race.”

Ernest Holmes

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Complete Freedom from Discord

Rev. Dr. Raymont AndersonRev. Dr. Raymont Anderson, in the August 2020 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine, says, “This unique time in our evolution is an opportunity to recognize that we are one human family with one global home. As our statement of beliefs specifies: We believe the ultimate goal of life to be a complete freedom from all discord of every nature. … Let’s act like it.”

Writer Julie Mierau interviews two CSL leaders, living lives of audacious authenticity: Anderson and Rev. Rafe A. Ellis. Each talks about his path to both be included and to embrace radical inclusion of others.

To Anderson, radical inclusion means “to be out there, to have the doors open. … If we want to include people, we have to know who we are as a movement, we have to know who we are with such audacity that we refute other labels and stand in who we are.”

Rev. Raff A. EllisEllis echoes that sentiment, saying, “In oneness, your oppression is my oppression; your fear is my fear. I may have a different body but oneness does not afford me a ‘not my problem’ exception.”

If we examine the reality that creates limitation, then we are empowered. “Inclusion is also learning to include the messiness,” Ellis adds. “My life is about turning my mess into a message.”

As Ernest Holmes asserts, “In oneness, there can be no separation. There is no supremacy in one; it requires two – the self and the other.”

Ellis affirms this: “I will do everything humanly possible to stand in oneness until supremacy in every form has drawn its last ugly breath.”

Anderson echoes that call, saying, “We must root our racism, sexism, homophobia and judgment about other religious groups that exist within own community. If Jesus is still the gold standard, then let’s answer his call to ‘do even greater things than these.’”

Multicultural Is Messy

“Unity does not mean uniformity.” – Ernest Holmes

It can be difficult to bring our spiritual principles into a conversation with people who have strong but conflicting opinions. We live in a multicultural, multiethnic, multigenerational world. It is unrealistic to expect everyone to have the same experiences, needs, expectations or priorities. ...

To be a beneficial presence, we have to accept that there is more than one possible answer or approach. We say Infinite Intelligence is always working, but do we believe that? We often advise others that there is always a spiritual solution to every human problem, but do we look for it?

Our job is to recognize that someone else has a different view or experience and their experience is just as valid as our own. Every day we have the opportunity to explore what might be possible from multiple perspectives. In this way we get to tap into the infinite nature of God. Let’s use our spiritual principles and practices to manage our individual behavior instead of using them to separate ourselves from others.

Excerpted from Science of Mind magazine’s Daily Guide for August 8, written by Tracy Brown, RScP.

Self expression graphic

A Prayer for Radical Inclusion

As I look out at all the spiritual beings around me exhibiting the vast diversity of human experience, I see one perfect family. Be it differences of culture, race, belief, religion, country, sexual orientation or any other of the many ways we humans express our creative uniqueness, I am continuously aware of our oneness and the gifts of our differences.

Spirit’s experience of Itself and my experience of this universe are served by this great variety.

I know our human family is growing and evolving spiritually. I know this evolution is bringing forth, individually and collectively, a greater celebration of our perceived differences. I know this growth begins in our consciousness and cascades through our words and deed out into the material world. There we are creating an inclusive planet where every person everywhere is treated with dignity, having access to the resources needed to fulfill their basic needs and the opportunity to thrive by being their true selves, expressing their divine gifts and talents.

I am thankful that together we are truly creating a world that works for everyone.

Excerpted from Science of Mind magazine’s monthly prayer, written by Rev. Mark Gilbert.

Inside August…

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August 2020 Cover Science of  Mind Magazine

Living a Unified Life

The Bridge to Inclusion

Wonder, Love and Praise by Ernest Holmes

Daily Guides by Tracy Brown


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Chronicles of Religious Science: VOL. 2
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