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Why Believe in Others?

Viktor E. Frankl

Even before his time in Nazi concentration camps, Holocaust survivor and psychiatrist Viktor Frankl exercised a buoyant spirit and sense of purpose. At 25, he organized a counseling program credited with preventing student suicides in Vienna. During the occupation, he chose to stay in his native Austria, doling out bogus diagnoses for the mentally ill in order to save them from Nazi “euthanasia.” His imprisonment only cemented his belief in human potential and his conviction that moral choices bring fulfillment.

Catch this rare, entertaining glimpse of Frankl in 1972 as he challenges his audience to believe in others. Idealists, he says, are the “true realists.”

Famous Viktor Frankl quotes:

  • A human being is a deciding being.
  • When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
  • Success, like happiness, is the unintended side effect of one's personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.
  • Suffering ceases to be suffering the moment it finds meaning.

To read more, click here.

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Each Thought: An Instrument of Peace?
By Jennifer Picinic

An Instrument of PeaceOur thoughts are indeed powerful, and it is our individual responsibility to monitor them carefully. We are all connected, and what divides us is simply way of thought. 

When our underlying belief systems stem from Love, we can put aside our seeming differences and nurture peace for all of humanity, no one excluded. It is up to us to create thoughts that create harmony and accord for all of humankind.

Each time we catch ourselves placing judgment on others, we can instead begin to seek understanding. World peace begins in the minds of all inhabitants.

We can indeed rise above all perceived challenges because we, ourselves, are made of something greater. We are all connected to a universal force that works for us and through us. 

As Ernest Holmes teaches, we are cocreators with God. If it is world peace we desire, we must first become instruments of peace ourselves. We can overcome all discord until only tolerance remains. 

Think it. Feel it. Become it. And so it is. 


Jennifer Picinic has a Ph.D. in Metaphysical Humanistic Science specializing in spiritual counseling. Her life’s experiences have taught her that nothing external could ever supersede the endless, beautiful bounty that already exists within. Picinic's mission is to help those interested in healing find inspiration and welcome more peace into their lives. Visit

How to Have a Good Day:
Harness the Power of Behavioral Science
to Transform Your Working Life

By Caroline Webb

What do scientific terms like “selective attention” and “confirmational bias” have to do with tackling all those emails in your inbox?

A GorillaAccording to economist and former McKinsey partner Caroline Webb, priceless insights from science can change how we work. Webb cites one study in which radiologists were shown a series of lung scans — and a picture of a gorilla. The participants didn’t register the gorilla, even though the test showed they made direct eye contact with the picture. The lesson? “Your assumptions shape what you see and hear consciously. Always check your expectations at work,” Webb says.

Book Cover "How to Have a Good Day".

Research also shows that “perceived threats” actually make us dumber by draining energy from the pre-frontal cortex — the hub for creative problem solving. Webb suggests getting out of defensive mode by asking “What is the ideal situation here?” and “What is my first step toward that?”

Check out Caroline Webb discussing her book in London: CLICK HERE

Assume that Good Already Exists in the Present
Ernest Holmes

Ernest HolmesYou are assuming that you are an immortal being now. You are assuming that the good which exists in the future, already exists in the present. Therefore, to place your good in the future is merely to delay your entering the kingdom of heaven now. You are selfish only if you would affirm a good for yourself that you would withhold from others. Say:

Today I enter into my kingdom of joy, into my inheritance of happiness.

I know that every good purpose which I entertain is already accomplished.

I know that every constructive demand or request I make upon the universe is already granted.

I know that I am governed by Divine Law.

I know that I am inspired by Divine Intelligence and guided by Divine Reason.

I let good flow into my experience.

I am seeing good in every direction I look.

I am looking forward to more good.

This is an excerpt from “This Thing Called You,” written by spiritual visionary Dr. Ernest Holmes. Read more in the April 2016 issue of Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

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SOM Magazine Cover April, 2016.

5 Steps to Surrender to Your Greatest Good

Daily Guides: 30 Days of Self-Love

Doing What You Love

Does God Play Favorites?

The Path to True Wealth

The Great Surrender: It’s Worship, Not Giving Up

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