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An Attitude of Gratitude!Science of Mind newsletter #2  
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The Giving Games

The Giving Games: Youth and Schools Play it Forward

These games are an 11-day global challenge to inspire, develop and celebrate our shared humanity through acts of generosity and compassion. Beginning on December 1st – a day known as Giving Tuesday – and going through December 11th, the Giving Games are played worldwide between youth, educators, and mentors to foster safe and fulfilling places of learning, helping the next generation develop into happy, compassionate, creative, and resilient members of our world! The Giving Games start the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. The Giving Games are a way to explore new ways to be generous with others, ourselves, and the Earth. Let’s play the Compassion Games with generosity and celebrate giving. Learn more:


Change your Frequency, Change your Life
25% Off Weekend Workshop with Paul Selig


Authentic straight-forward truth from the source field" is what Deepak Chopra says about Paul Selig and his channeled work, "I Am the Word." Now you can experience Paul and the guides he channels at a workshop in Santa Fe. Science of Mind fans receive 25% off when they CHICK HERE.

Choose Peace

Choose Peace

By Jennifer Picinic

Peace is an inside job. It is not saved for a select few. It is inherent and available to all, but it must first begin within. As we carry on our day, we can look for ways in which we welcome peace into our lives and the lives of all around us. Anytime we become aware of thoughts stemmed from judgment, we can quickly correct them and choose peace instead. We can be selective in our own thinking and use caution when we discuss world views. We do not need to be naive and we do not need to agree with everyone, but it is time for us all to respect and understand the views of others. We can continue to judge or we can begin to gain perspective. We are here to love. Each and every One of us. Our belief systems affect how we go about this Truth. If we wish to transcend as a nation, as a world,  we must first welcome peace, beginning in our own minds. We can break the cycle of hate by replacing it with love. Practice love. Pray for love and peace. Be confident that messages of love will conquer. It's time for us all to unite in this mission. It's time for us all to choose peace.

My life is a living prayer of gratitude and appreciation.

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