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Standing in Your Power #1  
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LOVE – The Holy Perception
—Gary Zukav

Bee and Sun FlowerLove is so big, so inclusive, so encompassing, that no definition can contain it. Love is not only the love with a little “l,” such as the love of a parent for a child or a child for a parent. It is not only the love of illusory fantasy, such as romantic love or love for a great heroine or hero. It is not only the universal love, sometimes called Agape. It is larger even than that. READ MORE

Enjoy a FREE GIFT from Gary Zukav

Gary Zukav

“The Good, the bad and the Spiritual,” a free-45 minute audio download with Gary Zukav is available to Science of Mind readers. Details on page 19 of your June issue. Subscribe today and receive 50% OFF our regular subscription price PLUS the FREE audio download from Gary Zukav.

Princes, Palaces & Parking Spaces
—Margaret Stortz

A Prince FrogYears ago when we were students of metaphysics doing our spiritual practices, we coined a term for what all of us wanted to achieve. We wanted “princes, palaces and parking places,” the last one being a little mind trick we all played with. Whenever we drove anywhere we opened our minds to finding just the right place to park! Don’t laugh. It was big stuff years ago when we were learning about the breadth of mental power and what we had within us. READ MORE

Today I resolve to live my dream. With Spirit as my partner I am sure to succeed.

The Word of Power
Ernest Holmes

Jesus, the greatest spiritual genius of all time, said that our prayers should be prayers of faith; our meditations, contemplations of certainty. Our faith must reach beyond facts to that something which makes facts out of its own affirmation, creates form out of its own substance, and projects experience through the law of its own word.

He traveled the universe in terms of mind and spirit. Each one of us one with the Spirit and one with the universal law of cause and effect. All things are possible to God, who creates through the power of Its own divine imagination. The divine nature circulates through each one of us, not because we will or wish it, but because this is the nature of our being.

Our impulse to create comes from the original creative Spirit which is in, around and through us. The urge to live creatively comes from the urge of the divine imagination, which pushes itself out through us into self-expression. This is our nature. We neither made it nor can change it. We are compelled to live under its law.

Excerpted from “Words That Heal Today” by Dr. Ernest Holmes (page 101).

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Featured in June!
Science of Mind Magazine Cover May  2015


  • 7 stories from the LGBQ community about spirituality and sexuality

  • 6 spiritual practices to increase your personal power

  • The power within you by Dr. Ernest Holmes

  • True power lies in self-recognition & love by Margaret Stortz

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