Using the Imagination
Ernest Holmes
![Dr. Ernest Holmes](
Just imagine yourself surrounded by Mind, so plastic, so receptive, that it receives the slightest impression of your thought. Whatever you think, it takes up and executes for you. Every thought is received and acted upon. Not some, but all thoughts. Whatever the pattern we provide, that will be our demonstration. If we cannot get over thinking that we are poor, then we will still remain poor. As soon as we become rich in our thought, then we will be rich in our expression. These are not mere words, but the deepest truth that has ever come to the human race. Hundreds of thousands of the most intelligent thinkers and the most spiritual people of our day are proving this truth. We are not dealing with illusions but with realities; pay no more attention to the one who ridicules these ideas than you would to the blowing of the wind.
In the center of your own soul, choose what you want to become, to accomplish; keep it to yourself. Every day, in the silence of absolute conviction, know that it is now done. It is just as much done, as far as you are concerned, as it will be when you experience it in the outer. Imagine yourself to be what you want to be. See only that which you desire; refuse even to think of the other. Stick to it, never doubt. Say many times a day, “I am that thing.” Realize what this means. It means that the great Universal power of Mind is that, and it cannot fail.
Excerpted from Creative Mind and Success by Ernest Holmes, Tarcher/Putnam Publishing. |
Gabriel Ebert—Ukulele, Cole Porter, and Matilda
Readers delighted in the September feature about actor Gabriel Ebert written by Kent Rautenstraus. Here Gabriel talks about the inspiration for his Tony Award-winning performance in Matilda the Musical and shares his love of the ukulele and Cole Porter.
Here I Am, Lord! A Minister Reflects on Her Calling
Readers have been inspired by Joanne Blum’s feature “Unseen Realities” in the September issue of Science of Mind. Blum has released a new book, and readers who love her wisdom are sure to enjoy this exclusive excerpt.
Cairns and Wellsprings
—Joanne Blum
Joe and I were hiking in Sedona, Arizona, taking a much-needed break from my job as a church pastor (and his unofficial job as associate pastor), when we stumbled upon one of those piles of stones people use to mark a path. It’s the minister in me, I suppose—and the attraction to signs and wonders that comes with the calling—but I love a cairn.
The trail we were on was so remote that the appearance of this one was surprising. But then I’ve seen cairns in places as far-flung as Northern Ireland and upstate New York. Every time I discover one, I find myself musing about why we do it.
I’m pretty certain we don’t build them just to get our geographical bearings. We humans like landmarks and guideposts of all kinds—not just to point the way physically, but to direct us mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I do anyway. My love of cairns has to do with my love of guidance.
We leave these signs for each other in both tangible and intangible ways. Whenever someone shares a bit of hard-earned wisdom with me, I get a similar feeling of having stumbled on a cairn to help me avoid a few pitfalls and make my path a little smoother.
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Can People Really Change?
Writer, speaker, and producer Austin Vickers’ feature article “Life: Heaven or Hell?” asks a profound question. Are you creating the life you desire, or are you living in a prison of your own making? His film People V. The State of Illusion combines the uplifting tale of one man’s incarceration and emotionally compelling transformation with expert testimony from best-selling authors and scientists in the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and quantum physics. People V. The State of Illusion puts the very nature of our reality on trial and makes you, the viewer, judge and jury. Watch a trailer of People V. The State of Illusion.
Coming this October 2013, Austin Vickers is hosting a signature event, The Science & Business of Imagination—Learn to Ignite the Genius Within You and Develop a Culture of Imagination. To learn more, visit or call 480-491-5591. |
New from the Science of Mind Library and Archives
The Extension Study Course in The Science of Mind, Volume 1 (Lessons 1-12) is now available from the Science of Mind Archives! This is a re-printing of the 1953 edition that contains the original letter from the Dean of the Institute of Religious Science, Dr. Ernest Holmes, and Dr. Reginald Armor’s answers to questions. The original 1953 version contained 48 individual lessons. This was a teaching aid to accompany The Science of Mind. The Archives is publishing the study course as a four-volume set, and Volume 1 containing lessons 1-12 is currently available on
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