Making Life a Success
Ernest Holmes
The consciousness of abundance is the consciousness of life, of love, of living and giving, of the capacity to be happy, and I believe it should include whatever we need, or that which we call money because it is the medium of exchange. We can develop a consciousness of abundance if we align our thought with the bigness of life. How big is everything? Browning said, “How good is man’s life, the mere living; how fit to employ all the heart and the soul and the senses forever in joy.” The one who enters into love and joy, into abundant and successful life, is the one who isn’t afraid of anything. “There is nothing bad that can happen to a good man,” said Socrates.
Somehow or other it seems we have to get back of all the sad experience. Where have we been robbed of love, of friendship, of money? Have we been robbed of substance? Have we lost everything that we had? If we have, then at long last we are now ready to turn to that foundation which knows no loss. I am not referring to the concept that we must suffer. I do not wish to suffer and I do not intend to do so any more than I can avoid. I certainly expect to make every provision I can to provide for myself and family, to live in abundance while we are in this world. I have never known anyone, however, who was ever able to take his worldly goods with him when he left this world.
How much can we give? That much will we have. It comes right back to this—how much can we love, that much affection shall be ours. To what degree can we abandon ourselves to Life, not in a silly sentimental, emotional way, which is make-believe and a camouflage for an inferiority complex, but in the nobility of that Spirit which must offer Itself to Itself, that It may know and enjoy Itself, and put our feet out into feeling void and find ourselves on solid rock. I know of no other success. The Word was with God and the Word is God and there is no difference. This is the consciousness of our supply!
We recognize the perfect beauty, radiance, and love of the Divine Intelligence, the “Prince of Peace,” complete and whole within our consciousness. Our understanding is deep and pure, and we perceive that we are ONE with all that is, and all that is, is good!
Excerpted from The Seminar Lectures, by Ernest Holmes, e-books, |
Spiritually Speaking—Everywhere!
Mark Waldman and Andrew Newberg, MD
![Mark Waldman and Andrew Newberg, MD](
Whether you are negotiating with your boss or your employees, arguing with your spouse, or coping with your kids, Compassionate Communication is a simple and unbeatable way to achieve a win-win dialogue to help you reach your goals.
Click here and listen to Mark Waldman tell you how words can change your brain!
Readers might also be interested in Mark Waldman’s blog “The 8 Key Elements of Highly Effective Speech…and why your words barely matter!” from Psychology Today. |
![Going to Work](
Masterful Intentions Program
Tom Zender
“At Work with God and Company,” by Tom Zender, September 2012 Science of Mind magazine, inspired readers to focus on the power of spirit. Business men and women interested in infusing spiritual principles into their work environments and creating a synergy of group wisdom to solve business challenges and support prosperity are finding success through the Masterful Intentions Program.
Click here to learn more about this powerful program. |