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Our Popular Daily Guides

by SOM Magazine

July 2024 Daily Guides by Rev. Josh Reeves

The Daily Guides have always been a beloved section of this publication. Each month, new spiritual guidance is imparted by members of the Centers for Spiritual Living communities. It’s lifelong insight you can’t find anywhere but Guide for Spiritual Living: Science of Mind magazine.

Each day brings two quotes from various wisdom teachers, a personal guide from the author’s life and a powerful affirmation. This daily inspiration has impacted generations of readers.

In case you don’t subscribe, here’s an example for you to enjoy:

A Changeless Reality

Affirmation: I am forever in flux, held by a changeless reality.

I am a being forever in flux, held by a changeless reality. That’s so much of what this spiritual living stuff is all about. I am forever in flux.

I am not quite the same person I was 10 years ago. My children grow up around me. At times, it’s like one of those soap operas when a change of actor or actress would occur. A narrator comes on and says, “The part of so and so will now be played by… .” That’s how fast they change.

I’m nostalgic in this flux, because so much is now past. But I also am lost. I can’t seem to locate myself in this flux.
However, always in my life, I have been able to find myself in the changeless — a sense of timelessness on a morning walk, a sense of connection with Spirit while writing down my thoughts, a song that anoints my heart.

I am a being forever in flux, held by a changeless reality. Now, I’m not saying there isn’t a lot of wonderful in the flux, but thank God for the Changeless. That’s what spiritual living is. It is letting who we are become not just informed by the flux but also by the Changeless. It’s allowing our living to be informed by the Changeless.

Zen Center founder Shunryu Suzuki said, “Nothing you see or hear is perfect. But right there is perfect reality.”


There is a theory that states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory that states that this has already happened.
— Douglas Adams

The Eternal Principle is forever hidden.
— Ernest Holmes, “The Science of Mind,” page 75

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