God Is Talking to All of Us, All the Time
We’ve got God all wrong, says Neale Donald Walsch in the March issue of Science of Mind magazine. The best-selling author of the “Conversations with God” series believes that when we change our thinking about God we are on our way to creating a world that works for everyone.
Walsch says he has no special powers to talk to God. In fact, God is talking to each of us, every day. Enjoy this blog from Walsh in which he explains how God communicates and how we can amplify our “hearing.” CLICK HERE |
We “Love” the Idiot Bodhisattva
Jason Love went from being heavily medicated on antidepressants and wanting to end his life to traveling the world as a successful comedian and he credits the teachings of Dr. Ernest Holmes and other New Thought teachers with the change.
Learn how Love embraced his dream of being a comedian – he’s been featured on Comedy Central and HBO - in the March issue of Science of Mind.
Below are a few of his comic strips, “Snapshots” to enjoy. The strip is featured in more than 100 publications.
Using Mindfulness to Create a Happier Life
If we are anxious, we are living in the future. If we are depressed, we are living in the past. If we are at peace, we are living in the present. The ability to live in the present is what mindfulness is all about. And cultivating mindfulness in our daily lives is a key to creating a more peaceful, less stressful life. Block out 15 minutes from your schedule and give yourself the gift of practicing mindfulness with this guided meditation. CLICK HERE. |
An Experiment to Help Heal Our World
Dr. David Alexander reminds us in the March issue that we become whatever we focus on. With that in mind, he offers a simple affirmation to begin healing ourselves and our world. We invite you to join us.
Begin with yourself by affirming daily, “I hear you, I see you, your life matters to me.”
Share that same message, either silently or out loud, with everyone you meet. You’ll be surprised how powerful a simple affirmation can be. |
The Time Is “Now”
—Dr. Ernest Holmes
The only time we will ever have is now, the immediate moment. The question that naturally arises, then, is how wisely are we using it? Are we retreating into the memory of the past, daydreaming into the future? We do not want to encumber this eternal moment of ours with vague dreams of tomorrow, nor clutter it up with refuse from the past. We can neither live in the past nor the future. But the thoughts of the past and the future can color and contaminate our emotional and mental outlook that our reaction to this moment, each moment we have, will be a thing of despair rather than joy.
If we should have an unlimited mental acceptance for all good things for ourselves, is not this very act of acceptance a direction for the Law of Mind to produce more moments like this one? And would not such an acceptance have to be one that affirmed that we, right now, possess the desired good – not tomorrow, not the next day? For they never come. When there is such an acceptance of good, it must be on the basis of “believe that you have,” now.
This does not mean that every moment of our lives will be filled with complete happiness, with everything that the heart can desire. However, we should learn to take from each moment only the joy, the lesson, the good that is in it. If we take only the bad, is it not out of this bad that the next moment will be born? Life is often a bed of roses only when we are willing to pick the thorns out of our flesh and throw them away.
Taken from “A New Design for Living” (page 129) by Ernest Holmes; compiled and edited by Willis H. Kinnear; published by Tarcher Penguin (ISBN: 978-1585428144).
“A New Design for Living,” page 129. |
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